mercredi 10 février 2010

First post about my novel

Let’s explore together the wonderful world of books. Ah, so many genres to choose from...Personally, my favourite kinds of books are crime thrillers and science fiction. Dan Brown is one of my favourite authors. He managed to captivate my attention with his great suspenseful plots about science and religion, like for example in Angels and Demons and the Da Vinci Code.

Truthfully, I’m not a big fan of reading, but I can make an exception for this book. I decided to choose “Dexter in the Dark”, a novel from Jeff Lindsay. The story is about Dexter, a blood splatter analyst by day, a serial-killer by night. Also, he possesses an entity called The Dark Passenger, a voice that pushed him to commit murders to “very bad people”.

The book is basically a thriller with a murderer as a protagonist. The plot intrigued me. It’s hard to imagine a likable serial-killer. Killing the worst criminal actually sounds like a good thing. So far, it seems like a very original story.

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