lundi 22 février 2010

Third Post: If my novel would be turned into a movie, who would I cast?

Since my novel is already a critically acclaimed TV show, it would be difficult for me to choose other actors to play the characters. Having seen the first episodes of ''Dexter'', I think that my casting would be a little biased.

Michael C. Hall should stay as the titular character Dexter Morgan, because he is very convincing in his role. He makes an exceptional character like Dexter so believable. Each time, his voice-over gives me the chills. No wonder he won an Emmy for best lead actor in a drama!

For the role of the enigmatic The Watcher, I would cast Mark Pellegrino, who played Jacob on my favorite TV show Lost and Lucifer on Supernatural. He always plays mysterious characters, so that role seems to fit him like a glove.

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