mercredi 17 février 2010

Second post about my novel

As I mentioned in an earlier post, Dexter Morgan is a blood splatter analyst for the Miami Police Department and also a terrible serial killer. Guided by an entity named “The Dark Passenger”, he slides through life undetected and kills only the worst criminals.

The story begins when Dexter was trying to murder a hippie. Zander Macaulay, Dexter’s target, was reportedly using Miami’s charities to attract the homeless into an abandoned ranch to kill them. Little did he know, someone called “The Watcher” kept an eye on our serial killer while he was dumping Zander’s body into a barrel of acid. One day, Dexter was called to a crime scene at a university campus. Two students were savagely burned and beheaded. Their heads were even replaced by the head of ceramic bulls. Normally for Dexter, it should feel like a normal day’s work. But something is scaring the hell of out of his Dark Passenger. For the first time, Dexter has to investigate this case all alone.

Dexter Morgan is one special piece of work. He knows that everyday situations can be used for his fake cover. He got married to his long time girlfriend Rita and got two step children, Astor and Cody. But lately, his cover life was getting more real. Even during a murder, Dexter couldn’t stop thinking about his new kids and his wife. I really like the fact that a normally cold-blooded killer can evolved into a more sentimental person. Let’s face it. Without an incredible and interesting lead character like Dexter, there wouldn’t be any story.

So far, the novel is a brilliant representation of a serial killer trying to have feelings for his new wife and children. The author managed to capture the rawness of Miami in his novel. When I was reading the book, I easily imagined all of the dirty crime scenes and even the hot Miami weather. I really love the first person narration by Dexter. It’s witty mixed with dark comedy. Thus, it makes the book more fun to read. Isn’t that what it’s all about?

‘’Dexter in the dark’’ really does have an interesting plot. I can’t wait to learn more about the disappearance of his Dark Passenger and the real identity of “The Watcher”.

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