vendredi 26 février 2010

Fourth Post on my novel

Dexter is tangled in a whole world of trouble. As he is investigating on the murder of the two girls at the university and the disappearance of his alter-ego, the Dark Passenger, The Watcher is keeping a very close eye on him and his kids. If Dexter gets into the deeper truth of the matter, he should be feared for his life. He doesn’t have his evil shadow to protect him anymore.

Imagine this. If I were to join him on his quest, I would certainly bring a silencer gun and a bulletproof vest to protect myself from the ominous Watcher. I prefer the use of a silencer, because it can take out any enemies without a sound.

“Never go on an investigation without your bullet-proof vest.” Who knows when you’re going to get shot, right? I can’t risk my life fighting a stalker unprotected. This is one of the many dangers of being an investigator. That why I say: “Better be safe, then sorry”.

On another note, since the weather in Miami is known for being incredibly hot and sunny, I could bring sunglasses (like Horacio on CSI Miami), some Hawaiian shirts, some sunscreen, etc.

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